Back to business decontamination clean

Back to business decontamination clean

Build Back Better (3Bs) philosophy

With the potential relaxation of the stay at home restrictions, SPA have teamed up with SafeGroup to offer the UK’s most comprehensive specialist cleaning, treatment and testing service to create safe workplaces – protecting the wellbeing of work teams and customers after the Coronavirus crisis.

The full ‘Back to business decontamination clean‘ service is available in 3 different options which are as follows:

1.Deep Clean
Your workplace will be left professionally clean and fresh. All dust and grime will be removed. Your staff and customers will notice and welcome the hygienic and fresh restart to work

The professional deep clean will be carried out by experienced environmental cleaning operatives. They are trained to quickly and effectively clean large premises to a much higher standard than nonspecialist cleaning teams.

2.Treat & Protect
Staff and customers will be reassured that they are safe in the workplace and they have long-term protection against Covid-19 and other harmful pathogens. Specially sourced chemical protects against surface recontamination for up to 30 days, including soft furnishings and fabrics.

Antimicrobial product is applied to surfaces using an electrostatic spray gun, greatly increasing coverage. It creates a killing field of invisible positively-charged pins that attract, rupture and disable negatively-charged microbial cells, including Covid-19.

3.Swab Test (After Treat & Protect)
Test results will be presented as a negative or positive indication of the presence of Covid-19. Negative results will provide powerful reassurance for staff and customers. SafeGroup will provide a certificate detailing the test date and results.

As far as we are aware, SafeGroup is the only Emergency Soft FM Specialist offering to carry out Covid-19 testing as part of a business restart service. Clients can evidence a key extra measure taken to safeguard the wellbeing of both staff and customers.

Our Back to Business service is based on the Build Back Better (3Bs) philosophy used by crisis recovery agencies. The aim is not just to recover but to create a better and more resilient living and working environment.

If you would like a cost for the different options please contact us.


Are you ready for Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards ( MEES) legislation ? We can help.

As you are aware From 1 April 2018, landlords of buildings within the scope of the MEES Regulations must not renew existing tenancies or grant new tenancies if the building has less than the minimum energy performance certificate (EPC) rating of E unless the landlord registers an exemption.

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