Supplied, delivered and assembled an open fronted smoking shelter 2m x 1m (For 3-5 people)
Lifted paving slabs to be able to concrete feet into the ground if just fixed to slabs there will be a risk of it dislodging in strong winds
Colours – black, light grey, blue or green
Installed a hooded top tower smoking bin in stainless steel
Compliant with Smoking Ban Legislation – Parliament Act 3368
Steelwork is zinc and epoxy powder coated for effective corrosion resistance and longevity
Earth Works
Is your site secure from unwanted visitors? The construction of a trench to prevent unauthorised caravans/vehicles from entering.
Ensuring Christmas Happens
Visited site to ensure that all Christmas light sockets were operational!
Installation of Gate
Fabrication and installation of new double leaf gate.
Pre-Christmas Refresh
Painting of bike racks and handrails ready for Christmas shopping at retail centre
Sign Clean
Cleaning of sign at entrance to industrial park.
Winter Preparations
In preparation for winter - drains cleared and over hanging trees branches cut back to prevent leaves falling into drains.