Our preventative maintenance team attended a commercial premises in order to install signage and hand sanitiser stations to ensure that the premises with the health and safety guidance as regards the corona.
Lock Change
Replacement lock office building.
Repainting of Bike Racks and Lamp Posts
Repainting of bike racks and lampposts at retail centre - Did you know that one of the most important factors that encourage employees cycling to cycle to work is 'end of journey' provision?
Servicing of Shutters
Servicing of automatic metal shutters - Do you know the regular servicing of shutters can increase their life span and prevent emergency call out fees?
Fence and Fire Exit
Erection of fence and fire exit - Do all tenants have a clear defined exit route in line with current regulations?
Fire Signs
Installation of fire signs - it is important that all fire signage is up to date and reflects current regulation
Paving Clean
Cleaning of external paving - we ensured that the external areas of the building reflected the quality of the interior.