Reactive maintenance to ensure that security isn’t compromised due to frame coming away from external door. The door frame headers had been loosely refitted. The side door was particularly loose – we removed each of the header plates (3 doors) and secured each of them to the framework with stainless steel screws – the doors are still able to be maintained simply by unscrewing the header plate securing screws
Flying response
Our flying response team attended a site in order to provide various accommodation options for birds and bugs who may be visiting.
Railing installation
Our preventative maintenance team attended a commercial premises in order to install a hand rail, the absence of which had been noted in a recent Health and Safety audit.
Electrical repair
Our reactive maintenance team attended a retail park due to lighting fault.
Street lighting repair
Our reactive maintenance team attended an industrial site to repair street lighting
Bike Shelter
Assemble and Install a gated bike shelter to encourage sustainability
Entrance Repair
Our reactive maintenance team attended a commercial office to repair the entrance