Seagulls were creating a health and safety issue at an industrial site. Freddy the falcon was therefore dispatched in order to scare them away and will be returning at regular intervals.
Refurbishment of retail premises
Our refurbishment team attended a retail premises that was closed due to the corona.
Our refurbishment team team attended a commercial premises to take advantage of the areas being quiet during the corona lock down period
Corona Ready Office
Our reactive maintenance team visited a commercial building in order to install sanitiser stations, signage and screens in accordance with social distancing best practise.
Office adaptation for The Corona Virus
Our reactive maintenance team installed plastic screens in a commercial office in order to comply with Corona virus risk assessment.
Corona-ready signage
Our reactive maintenance team visited a commercial building in order fix signs in line with heath and safety guidance to prevent corona spread.
Fixing Corona screens to reception
Our reactive team visited a commercial property in order to fix screens at the reception area in order to protect reception and visitors from the corona once the building reopened.