Our reactive maintenance team attended an industrial site where reports of landlord’s street lighting being faulty had been made.
They found a termination in the timer housing had been incorrectly installed. Terminated in the correct terminal and checked. Left all landlords lights working.
Entrance door repairs
Our planned maintenance team attended a commercial building in Canary Wharf in order to service double glass doors which had not been operating correctly.
Carpark repair
Our groundworks team attended a commercial building carpark to supply and fit water gullies.
Acyrpol roof repair
We attended a commercial building where client had reported splits appearing in the roof covering and intermittent problems with water ingress.
Fence repair
Our reactive maintenance team attended an office premises where a fence panel had been damaged in high winds.
Refurbishment of stairs and flooring
Our planned maintenance team attended a commercial office out of hours in order to relay a new carpet on the stairs and new flooring in entrance hall and bathrooms.
ACO channel replacement
Our groundworks team attended an industrial site in order to replace a heavy duty ACO S channel.