Our roofing team attended a central London commercial building in order to investigate water ingress. After a thorough investigation it was determined that the water ingress was as a result of the gutter getting blocked and the overflow outlet then being overwhelmed with the heavy rain allowing the water to flow over the back edge of the gutter and into the building.
Lock replacement
Our locksmith attended a commercial building in order to replace a lock so that there was a thumb turn on the inside to allow people to exit the building without a key.
Relay paving stones
The groundworks team attended a retail park where damaged paving stones represented a trip hazard and relaid.
Collapsed Manhole Cover
Our groundworks team attended an industrial park in order to repair frame and cover of collapsed manhole highlighted by a health and safety review. .
Wall construction and handrail replacement
Our groundworks team visited an industrial park in order to reconstruct a damaged wall and replace and reattach a handrail.
Health and Safety Job
Following a health and safety survey our preventative maintenance team were asked to highlight potential hazards at a commercial building to reduce the risk of accidents.