Our reactive maintenance team, in response to a Fire Risk Assessment, attended an industrial site in order to sweep both fire escapes to clear all litter and leaves, remove all large rubbish from 2 fire escapes. Using a strimmer they cut down all over grown weeds and removed all waste from site.
Roof inspection and repair
Our commercial roofing team travelled to The Midlands to inspect and repair a roof suffering from water ingress.
Replacement of faulty lights
Our electrical team attended an emergency call out and replaced faulty lights.
Brickwork at retail centre
Our reactive maintenance team attended a retail centre in order to repair brickwork in response to a health and safety report.
Car park Lining
Our planned maintenance team attended a commercial premises and supplied and applied Thermoplastic road line material to form markings.
Installation of bollard sleeves
Our reactive maintenance team attended a retail/industrial site and fitted bollard sleeves securely.
Installation of bird boxes
Our bird appreciation team installed numerous bird boxes at a commercial premises in order to encourage nesting.