Attended commercial property, lifted slabs causing trip hazards and relayed them on a bed of fresh sharp sand.
Removed loose kerb stone and relayed in rapid set concrete, topped with cold lay and bitumen spray.
Palisade fence repairs at industrial site
Our reactive maintenance team for repair works carried out to palisade gates to the front of unit of 4 adjusting gates to allow locking eyes to line up.
Decoration of residential flat
Our decorating team attended site in order to redecorate all walls of a residential flat following a change of tenancy.
‘One stop shop’ – Health and safety – roofing – electrics – decorating
Our multi skilled team attended a commercial premises in order to fulfil a number of ‘handyman’ jobs in one visit highlighted in a health and safety assessment and tenant.
Fire escape route clearance
Attended site in order to sweep both fire escapes on both sides of the building to clear all litter and leaves
Line Marking
Our team attended an office park in order to apply thermostatic road markings
Electrical inspection and repair of external lighting
Our electrical team attended an industrial park in order to inspect and repair as necessary the external lighting.