Our guttering team attended a retail centre and insured that all downpipes were cleared and flushed – all gutters cleared and any standing water swept away across the whole retail complex.
External decoration of retail complex
Our planned maintenance team were asked to refresh and decorate a normally busy thoroughfare in a retail complex
Jet Washing
Our cleaning team attended a commercial building where the stairs leading from the car park had become both unsightly and a potential hazard.
Office door repair
Our maintenance team were asked to urgently attend a commercial building where the lock had been tampered with, creating a security issue.
Rubbish Clearance
Our reactive maintenance team were happy to attend a retail park to clear rubbish.
Preventing water ingress
Our commercial roofing team attended a Greater London commercial building to prevent water ingress
Fire Stopping
Our planned maintenance team attended a commercial site where a fire risk assessment had identified some weakness in the fire stopping of the basement electrical cupboard.