Our groundworks team attended an industrial site in order to install and test road barrier. They also placed a galvanised protective post in front of each barrier pivot. For security reasons hoop barriers were also installed in order to prevent access to the estate when the barrier was shut.
Office adaptation for The Corona Virus
Our reactive maintenance team installed plastic screens in a commercial office in order to comply with Corona virus risk assessment.
Corona-ready signage
Our reactive maintenance team visited a commercial building in order fix signs in line with heath and safety guidance to prevent corona spread.
Fixing Corona screens to reception
Our reactive team visited a commercial property in order to fix screens at the reception area in order to protect reception and visitors from the corona once the building reopened.
Fire door replacement
Our preventative maintenance team attended a retail centre in response to a Fire Risk Assessment.
Fire stopping
Our preventative maintenance team attended a retail centre in response to a Fire Risk Assessment.
Replacement of glass on 3 story building
Our working at heights planned maintenance team cut out glazing from 3rd floor.