Our planned maintenance team attended a commercial building following a FRA in order to: install 3 hand rails from galvanised steel poles fixed into brackets fixed to the wall either side of the riser
Install signage to new rails “No access”
Install signs on insulation stating “Do not stand here”
Speed bumps
Our reactive team attended a leisure complex to install new speed bumps
Paint edging
Our planned maintenance team attended an office building in response to a health and safety report.
Bathroom refurbishment
Our planned maintenance team attended a business park for a bathroom refurbishment
Repaint edging of steps
Our preventative maintenance team attended a retail park in response to an issue raised in a health and safety review.
Graffiti removal
Our reactive maintenance team attended a business park in order to remove offensive graffiti and potential liable against ‘Jimmy ‘.
Repair of raised paving
Repair of raised paving