2 man team to attend site to carry out the following:
Dig out area at the front of the building as marked by client
Install 3.5m galvanised sign post concreted into the ground
Attached 300x400mm “Assembly Point” aluminium sign to the new post
Leave site clean and tidy
Feature soffit and canopy commercial building
Installation of a new curved feature soffit and canopy to the entrance of this prestigious City building.
Kerb replacement
Our groundworks team attended an industrial site to dig and replace broken kerbs.
Adapting electric entrance barriers
To install switches into each car park barrier so they can be turned off individually.
Emergency lock replacement
Team attended a commercial building and identified, sourced and replaced lock.
Health and safety hazard repair
Our team attended an industrial park where some steps had become a Health and Safety hazard. Lifted , cleaned and relaid the slabs on a new bed of mortar and painted step nosings.
Removal of electric entrance barrier
Our reactive team were called to a retail park in order to remove an electric entrance barrier.