We think it is nice to know who you are speaking to on the phone and a little about the person who may turn up to maintain your building. This month we get to know a little more about Antonina Sztal (Tosia).
Tosia, how long have you been with SPA?
I started working for SPA in April of 2018, as an apprentice. Saying that I’ve just realized it’s not so long ago, but I can assure you it’s the most interesting time of my career.
What is your role, and what is a typical day for you?
My role is to take care of client requests on the help desk; e-mails, phone calls and supporting my colleagues arranging jobs. I’m also in charge of ensuring job reports and invoices are sent out, once a job is completed, in a timely manner so that our clients have a report and pictures where applicable.
How are you finding the apprenticeship scheme and what additional skills are you hoping to learn moving forward?
Apprenticeships are a great option for someone young and ambitious. It gives the opportunity to get work experience and education in the same time. I am super happy that Mark gave me such an opportunity being involved in the quickly developing and growing SPA community. I am looking forward to developing my experience in administration and accounting.
Tell us about your interests outside of work. You used to be quite an accomplished athlete didn’t you?
All my life I have been involved in different kinds of sports and activities. Even though I have tried many of them, the one which played the biggest role in my life was the javelin and I competed in the polish U18 national championships.
I am a big fan of athletics and I support my friends and my country in ongoing sports events, Championships and Olympics.
In my free time I go horse riding with my friends and family. I am absolutely amazed and fascinated by those creatures. They are tremendously powerful and gentle at the same time.