Our multi skilled team attended a commercial premises in order to fulfil a number of ‘handyman’ jobs in one visit highlighted in a health and safety assessment and tenant.
1 To highlight yellow step edges on the roof
2. Secure two ladders.
3. Paint yellow gas pipe located in the basement plant room
4. Decorated cracks around the door frame in man WC’s.
5. Roofer to investigate and repair two drains on the roof that are causing water ingress inside the building.
6. To attempt and isolate the water to the fire hose located in the basement and remove from site.
7. 2nd floor, tenants area: Electrician to attempt and replace a fuse that we suspect is causing the default. If light will need replacing we will provide an additional quote.
Installation of new roof hatches
Installation of new roof hatches
Installation of muster point post
Installation of muster point post
Replacement of leaking auto air vents
Our commercial plumbing team attended a medical centre where water leakage had been observed.
Health & Safety Repairs at Retail Park
Our reactive maintenance team visited a retail park where a number of minor Health and Safety issues had been raised.
Water Ingress
Our preventative maintenance team visited a commercial building in central London that had experienced a number of water ingress issues.
Road lining at retail park
Our planned maintenance team visited a retail park in order to repaint faded road markings.