Planned maintenance – Refurbishment of toilets in office due to rising damp. We removed all existing flaking paintwork and prepared the area using hot air blowers (to dry the plaster out) then sanded. We then applied 2 coats of Stain Blocker (special waterproof coating that prevents stains from coming through fresh paint). When this was dry we then emulsioned the urinal back and side walls using Johnstones durable moisture resistant and washable acylic paint.
Installation of New Glass Canopy
Installation of new glass canopy over commercial building entrance.
Glass Pane
Emergency replacement of cracked pane of glass at commercial building.
Speed Limit Sign
Installation of speed limit sign to ensure safe traffic flows at industrial site.
Concrete Trip Hazards
Concreting of trip hazards - The swift identification and rectifying of any trip hazards can prevent any injury or claims occurring
Highlighting of Steps
Highlighting of steps in order to prevent trip hazards and potential accidents.