Our reactive maintenance team attended an industrial park in order to repair a gate that was unable to open – the gate also acts as a fire escape route and so was imperative that it worked. On attendance the team observed that the hinges had worn which had caused a misalignment. They made it operational again by removing one hinge packer and moving the bolt to keep it in the ground. We advised the client that it was probably worth replacing the hinges so that the same issue did not occur in the future.
Installation of steel mesh
Installation of steel mesh - Are your fire exits secure from unauthorised access?
Relaying of Roof to Prevent Water Ingress
Sometimes the original design of a roof can be altered at little cost compared to a new roof to mitigate water ingress.
Temporary Liquid Resin Treatment
The application of liquid resin to areas suffering water ingress can be an efficient and cost effective approach pending more substantial investment.
Relay of Carpet
Loose carpet can be a trip hazard and is easily corrected.
Installation of Bollards
Installing bollards to prevent damage to walls can reduce longer term costs.