Attended site in order to sweep both fire escapes on both sides of the building to clear all litter and leaves -remove large debris/rubbish from the fire escapes and cut down any over grown weeds. Remove all waste from site.Report any further issues or damage on both fire escapes
Sticking door
Our reactive maintenance team attended a retail site in order to repair a sticking door that had swollen due to the bad weather.
Water ingress inspection
Our roofing team attended a central London commercial building in order to investigate water ingress.
Installation of bike racks
Our planned maintenance team attended a business park in order to install bike racks to encourage cycling to the workplace.
Pavement repair
Our groundworks team attended a retail park to repair a pavement.
Repair of gas leak
Our reactive gas team attended a commercial building in order to attend a reported gas leak.
Repair of barrier and fence
Repair of barrier and fence in service yard